The other title option was: my momma went to the hospital and all she brought home was this jug.
Tuesday started out like any other day... breakfast, walk the dogs, see what needed to be done, etc. And once I fully woke I remembered my multiple stumbles to the b-room, I'm averaging about once every two hours at this point, that something didn't feel right. Not sure if my water broke, or what. And then around 10a it happened again. This time I thought I should give the doc a call. Usually in this case I just call Dave but for some reason, I thought it wasn't a big deal so I called Dr. K and talked to our nurse Terry (love her). She thought we should come in. Really? Apparently at this point (almost 35 weeks) they don't mess around. My first reaction was my chin started to quiver, while I dialed Dave. No answer. No answer at his clinic. Called our Doula, no answer. Mom, no answer. Dad, no answer. etc. etc. etc. Then I burst into tears. I just needed to tell someone else, and remind myself it wasn't an emergency or they would have sent me straight to Labor and Delivery. So I had Dave paged... no response. I went from nice Sarah to not so nice. Some of you have met her, she's not so nice but she gets the job done in these situations and doesn't take no for an answer.
Made it through Dave's exchange and once he answered, fell into a heap of tears and all I could say was contractions, Dr. K. We made it through and Dave cleared most of his day and headed home to pick me up. I ran, well waddled really, upstairs remained calm and started to pack the bag. I know that I said I was going to do this the other day, but now it's done. I didn't know what to expect, and really didn't want to touch my feet on a hospital floor. Or hospital socks.
We drove to the doctor's office, which is really the hospital. And apparently it was a day of emergency pregalina's. The office was full of pregnant women, but I was the furthest along. In we went. What I thought to be water breaking, was not the case just normal for this point. No dilation things were looking good. Last, 'Sarah, is the baby moving?'. Me: 'not as much as normal'. Apparently that is a ticket straight to Labor and Delivery. Off we went to be 'monitored'. It was scary, and I knew by the pace with which Dave walked ahead of me he was nervous as well. He may have made it upstairs to the 3rd floor without me wondering where I was if I hadn't slowed him down...
We were put on the Toco machine to monitor contractions and the baby's heart rate. The heart rate was great between 130-150 the entire time, a few bouts of hiccups and I wasn't having contractions. About thirty minutes into it, Dave went to get a coffee. The minute he left the room, they started. The door busted open and our nurse Jo, said are you feeling what I am seeing? Yes, I definitely was. Contractions every 5 - 10 minutes. They weren't fun, but tolerable and something I could easily handle it. With every contraction the baby's heart rate increased, apparently a good thing. Jo said I'm going to call Dr. Krasnoff and see about getting a shot of something... A shot? What the hell? Called Dave and he answered (thankfully) asking if I wanted a strawberry or raspberry smoothie? Seriously? Now is NOT the time for a smoothie, drop everything and shake it on up here. He was back within minutes. Jo came back with the shot of something to stop contractions.
I don't want a medicated birth, but I really didn't want to have this baby so early. It would have been ok, but not ideal. The option was to spend the night in hospital or take the shot. They could have thread through my eye as that point... So we decided to have the shot. And the contractions went away.
We were free to go.
I just have to take it easy, very easy. And not stress about anything! Now I know what it's like to be in the hospital enough to know I would like to be there as little as possible.
Now I just have to drink way more water than I was drinking (already 100 oz.), so I'm hopeful I will have time to drink between bathroom breaks.