Friday, August 28, 2009


we have ventured into the world of solids.  although the food doesn't look very solid.  here is a peak at dante's first experience with food. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


recently we made the decision to baptize dante.  for most that know us, especially me, this is probably viewed as odd.  oh, and we baptized him catholic.  which makes things increasingly strange.  so a few sundays ago dante was dunked into water and was blessed by a small gathering of family and friends.  

the transfor
mation that he has caused in our life, is amazing.  i've always known that there is something else out there other than just us here on earth but when you have a baby it becomes abundantly clear.  i'm still not sure what that 'something else' is however the closest i've come to understand (recently) is father gary at the CSC.  he is an extremely passionate, liberal, intelligent human that happens to be a priest.  in a time when the american catholic system is rightfully under scrutiny it feels odd to find solace there.  yet when you go to the csc, it's different.  the community is such that it is truly a diverse group in mind, race, heritage, sexual orientation and partnership.  everyone believes in something bigger than themselves and living kindly.  when we go on sundays (not every week but better than never) father gary brings such awareness and candor to very difficult questions and situations by referencing Obama, the NYT, the bible, life experience, college students; and helps me to make sense of what is happening in the world and in our own little house.  for someone that has never been married, or had kids he is keenly aware and in-touch with the hurdles that we are at times gracefully (other times not), jumping (or limping) over. 

we are so happy to have a community that will help us raise dante to be a positive, guilt-free, intellectual, worldly, moral, interesting human. 


ps. thanks to auntie laura for capturing such amazing shots of the weekend!