Monday, July 30, 2007

our latest trip OUT WEST

In celebration of Dave graduating from residency we are taking a trip. It was his choice so we are headed out west on a road trip, dogs included.

We leave AUGUST 1... so here is the working itinerary. And part of me is posting it just to see how long we actually stay on course and where we actually end up. Remember this trip was the trip we were going to drive to Alaska, then it was Seattle and now it's Glacier... So over several days (weeks) and lots of map work here it is...

day 1 (8.1): drive from STL to Chamberlain, South Dakota
Quote from Dave... "it's only 10.5 hours, baby. until we hit the oasis holidome in chamberlain" awesome!

day 2 (8.2): chamberlain, SD to black hills
enjoy black hills, crazy horse and mt. Rushmore

day 3 (8.3): black hills to bighorn national park, MONTANA

day 4 (8.4): bighorn to kalispell, MT (outside glacier)

day 5 (8.5): GLACIER before it melts away thanks to global warming...

drop the dogs off at hope for a back country pass and start our hike

day 6 - 10(8.6 - 8.10): fighting off bears, mountain goats and fires in the back country of Glacier

day 11 (8.11): head north to calgary

day 12 (8.12): banff

day 13 : leave banff

day 14: head to yellowstone

day 15: grand tetons - head to jackson hole have dinner with Meredith Malek - good friend from HS/MSU that haven't seen in YEARS... very exciting

day 16: jackson to denver

day 17: denver to STL

So we'll see where we go... and really test out our first year of marriage!

Love to all.

d + s

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Day 18: Drive back to pick up dogs we forgot at Glacier.


This is fantastic. Can't wait to be along for the ride on a Dave (excuse me, Dr. Dave) and Sarah adventure.