Monday, November 10, 2008

channeling the mathews gene's

i have really wonderful memories of my mom and aunts sitting in my aunt barb's living room talking into the wee hours of the night - which was probably only 8.30, but I was young - all the while working on some project.  i can't remember who was doing what but it was an organized chaos of fingers knitting, sewing, making lace, needlepointing.  and of course the hand that wasn't working had a long cigarette or a glass of wine.  

not sure of i'm channeling or just feel this innate desire to make something for our baby.  so my lovely friend Mandi, has offered to teach me to knit.  according to her, 'oh, it is so easy'.  what i haven't told her is that the last time i tried this i made a very itchy red wool scarf, that resembled something more akin to a diaper than a scarf.  which my loving Dad wore for several winters until it was some how 'lost'.  and i did try a hand at knitting a few years ago to make a dog toy, that was a horrible ending of a dvd and knitting needles in the garbage.  thankfully i have folks around me to remind me of said occasions.  (thank you babe)

time to start anew.  and there is also this really fab knitting store, knitty couture that i have been wanting to check out.  so last week i bought myself some needles and yarn.  after several minutes of being overwhelmed (worsted, skein, what?, who?) and not sure what i was doing the women at knitty couture came to my rescue.  some lucky family member will find a bright green scarf in their stocking this holiday season.  dad, it may just be you, to replace the red diaper scarf.  lucky man.

my goal is to make a lovely little blanket for the babe.  and it could be only a 2x2 square, not setting my sights too high. 

i'll keep you updated on the progress.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those stereotypical "mom" hormones are a bitch, huh?
My needles and I will see you Friday. I'm not scared of your previous attempts.