Tuesday, January 13, 2009


What is this moving around in my belly?
  Not sure if it’s a hand or a leg, maybe it’s a bum or a head.  I pretend like I know what is what but truly I have no idea.   One of my students said that she could feel her baby move around in her belly a lot and once she was born she could visualize and sync the movements that were happening in her belly to her movements as an outside baby.  Even now as a teenager she said her daughter makes movements that are reminiscent of her being inside her belly.  Interesting.  Maybe once this baby is on the outside I will have a bit of clarity to what this all means. 

Right now it is waves of contentment feeling the baby move, then waves of nerves when I can’t feel him/her move.  On average, at the end of the day I recount the moves and realize that the baby has moved enough and we are both ok.

This week I am 31 weeks, about the size of four navel oranges.  I could actually have the baby now and the healthy of the baby might be ok.  This is a remarkably scary thought.  We could do it, but I would prefer for a little more time for the baby to cook and for us to prepare.  

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