Wednesday, October 22, 2008

we have movement the size of an heirloom tomato

Ok, so all the movement that I was positive was the baby, was just my lunch.  This morning we went to the doctor and heard the heart beat: 153 beats / minute.  And we both felt movement, me inside, and Dave could feel the baby moving with his hand on my belly.  It's really incredible.  It made me really excited!  All of episodes on animal planet on how other species have babies really doesn't compare until you actually are going through it.  it's no longer surreal, it's pretty real.  

We've begun to interview Doula's, and hope to decide by this weekend.  In hopes of a natural birth.  And apparently we now have to find a pediatrician in addition to our house doctor!  Next week is the "big" ultrasound - wondering what "big" means?  

A huge thank you to my very supportive husband for making it to every OB visit - thank you, babe.  

XO to all.

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