Wednesday, December 17, 2008

happy day

it's a great day when the OB says, 'everything is perfect'.  i am going to set aside my irish-catholic roots that normally would say, 'no, things can't be perfect. really, is everything perfect?  i am sure it can not be perfect while looking into the sky, waiting for the other shoe to drop!

but everything really is perfect minus a few aches and pains.  so today, at 27.5 weeks the baby is growing!  my belly grew from 22 cm to 26 cm in one month.  and at first i thought it was inches, to which I kept saying 4 inches?!?, 4 inches??!? and my husband and OB said centimeters!  which had we converted to the metric system like they said we were going to in the fourth grade this would mean something!

heart rate is 135, teetering on the boy/girl line of 130.  healthy.  low blood sugar, low blood pressure.

all is good.  and this baby is now the size of a head of cauliflower.  last week was a 'hothouse' cucumber, what is that anyway?


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